- be good for
- 值得: be worth; merit; deserve
- 有效: effective; valid; efficaciou ...
- 值得: be worth; merit; deserve 值得怀疑 be open to doubt; 值得买 be worth buying; 值得一提 speak of ; deserve to be mentioned; 值得赞许 deserve commendation; be praiseworthy; 值得仔细考虑 warrant careful consideration; 值得社会承认 gain the social recognition; 不值得一驳 be not worth refuting; 我们费了很大力量, 但是值得。 we worked hard but it was worth it
- 有效: effective; valid; efficacious 采取有效措施 take effective measures; 这张车票3日内有效。 this train ticket is valid for three days.; 有效半径 effective radius; 有效保险 insurance in force; 有效成分 active principle; active constituent; 有效范围 effective range; limits of validity; 有效功率 effective power; 有效能 available energy; 有效时间 effective time; net time; 有效寿命 useful life; actual life; 有效数字 significant digit; significant figure; 有效载荷 payload
- 爱值得: jacky tian
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